Modern materials must meet the high standards in terms of their properties of characteristic
profiles. Not only should they be light, resistant strong to loads, bio-compatible, durable,
and “smart”, but also their manufacture, processing and disposal should be economic and
resource- and material-efficient. In order to achieve these and similarly complex requirements,
a wide spectrum of sophisticated material technologies is necessary in addition to the material
development itself. The manufacture, treatment and processing steps are often decisive as to
how efficient and competitive a material and the final product made from this material finally
are in practice. With the development of advanced material technologies, the institutes of
Fraunhofer MATERIALS make considerable contributions to meeting economic and societal challenges. Among the institutes areas of operation are the development and the application of selected technologies for surface finishing, coating and the functionalization of materials as well as the further development and optimization of joining and processing techniques or the development of entirely new processes and methods such as in the area of polymer synthesis, microforming, rapid prototyping and recycling.