Microstructural Evaluation of the Application Behavior of Dental Products

“Twice a day for at least two minutes” – Every child in Germany is familiar with this maxim and understands the significance of dental hygiene for his or her own well-being.
Fraunhofer IMWS has approached this topic – that for decades was primarily regarded from the point of view of dental medicine and biosciences – more intensively at the material level, with remarkable results. Based on microstructural tests, scientists in Halle were able to evaluate the influence of the filament geometries of tooth brushes on the cleaning result and explain the discoloration processes from mouthwash.
The latest work in Halle deals with the widespread problem of hypersensitive teeth and treatment methods. The industry is looking for models to test materials and formulas already during development and before elaborate clinical tests. Most existing products for sensitive teeth aim at sealing the exposed dentinal tubules of the tooth necks in order to interrupt the transmission of pain impulses.
Researchers at Fraunhofer IMWS were able to establish a model in which the sealing is chemically imaged and characterized and can be combined with a flow measurement at the dentine. It also allows the integration of mechanical and acid attacks in the test sequence and thus offers excellent possibilities for the assessment of pain-reducing products.