Reduction in energy consumption and an increase in energy efficiency are important prerequisites for a climateneutral building stock. For many years now, experts from Fraunhofer ISE have been pushing forward developments that combine the thermal renovation of building envelopes with the optimization of building service installations. Facade elements made of multifunctional insulation panels and prefabricated window modules were developed in the “Retrokit” project. These elements are primarily suited for retrofitting existing and old buildings to improve the energy efficiency. The applied materials and integrated technology can be combined based on the customer’s needs. Supply lines for electricity, data, heat and sanitation can be integrated as technical components into the facade.
One big advantage of the multifunctional facade elements: They can be applied from the outside onto the original facade; the inhabitants are less disturbed by the renovation work as a result. The craftsmen also need less time to complete their work. The window modules are first mounted onto the facade, and then a first layer of insulation containing integrated ducts is mounted. The pipes for the building technology and sanitation systems are installed using a simple click system. A second insulation layer is mounted afterwards and then plaster is applied. Finally, the old windows are removed from the inside. The process enables fast, cost-effective and highquality renovation.